2010 Massey Ferguson 9895

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  • 2010 Massey Ferguson 9895
    2010 Massey Ferguson 9895
  • 2010 Massey Ferguson 9895
    2010 Massey Ferguson 9895
  • 2010 Massey Ferguson 9895

$48,400  CAD

Equipment Specifications

Category:Harvesting Equipment
Manufacturer:Massey Ferguson
Stock Number:257737
Separator hours:3329
Serial number:AGCM98950AHC08159

Pattison Agriculture

2777 North Service Road West
Swift Current, SK, Canada
S9H 5M1

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Detailed Description

CAT 12.5L 425HP, Hydro Drivetrain, Michelin 520/85R42 AGRIBIB, Inside left Dual Goodyear 520/85R42 ULTRA TORQUE, Michelin 620/75R26 MEGAXBIB, Fixed Speed w/ Lateral Tilt, Single Rotor, Hopper Cover, 28' Auger, MAV Chopper w/ Manual Adjust Tailboard, HID Lighting35' Flex-Draper w/ Double Knife Drive, Single Reel w/ Fore/Aft, 12" Upper Cross Auger, Skid Shoes, CutterBar Shoes, 15' Pickup Header, Massey Ferguson Combine Adapter, Contact Your Local Pattison Ag Location For Available Date.

Additional Description

Axle: 2WD, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Combine Type: Small Grain, Duals/Singles: Duals, Header: No, Options: Contour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse), Options: Yield Monitor, Specifications: CAT 12.5L 425HP; Hydro Drivetrain; Michelin 520/85R42 AGRIBIB; I
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