2023 John Deere 412R

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  • 2023 John Deere 412R
    2023 John Deere 412R
  • 2023 John Deere 412R
    2023 John Deere 412R
  • 2023 John Deere 412R

$579,900  USD

(approximately $835,831  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Chemical / Fertilizer Applicators
Sub-Category:Sprayers - Self Propelled
Manufacturer:John Deere
Stock Number:387638
Serial number:1N0412RXHP0234396

Sydenstrickers - Rocheport

1500 N. Route J
Rocheport, MO, United States

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Detailed Description

AVAILABLE FEBRUARY, JOHN DEERE 412R SELF PROPELLED SPRAYER, SEE & SPRAY PREMIUM PUK, 325hp, 9.0 liter, 6 cylinder turbo diesel engine, full time 4 wheel drive with traction control, dual range hydrostatic drive, 25mph field, 35mph transport, Signature Edition CommandView III cab, HVAC, auto temp control, leather Active II air suspension seat, leather buddy seat, touch screen XM ready AM/FM radio, refrigerator, JDLink MTG, EXACTAPPLY package, ultimate comfort and convenience package, Cat 1 filtration system, WITH SEE & SPRAY, Gen 4, 4600 command center Greenstar 10" color display, NO OTHER MONITOR IS INCLUDED, Command center Premium 4.0 activation, auto trac, section control, row-Sense, Data Sync, & data share, turn automation, machine sync & autoPath, rowSense sensors, with integrated JD 7000 position receiver, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 3" left side quick fill & front fill, 120' steel boom, 1" stainless plumbing, 15" on-center spacing, EXACTAPPLY nozzle control, 96 six position nozzle bodies, automatic solution control with boom recirculation, fence row nozzles left & right, single drop foam markers, 2"X1.5" standard flow solution pump, single flow meter, stainless steel chemical eductor, boom air purge, 5 sensor auto boom leveling, ultimate LED field lighting, wheel shields shields, hydraulic tread spacing adjustment (120-160"), auto air spring chassis leveling, on board air compressor, flotation tire fenders, Michelin VF380/90R46 R-1 row crop tires and Goodyear LSW680/50R46 R-1 flotation tires. INCLUDES: See & Spray Performance Upgrade Kit, SU# 394236, SN: 1YKPU44SJR0805165. JD EXTENDED ENGINE/POWERTRAIN WARRANTY UNTIL 03-14-2026 OR 1500 HOURS ($500 deductible).

Additional Description

Specifications: 120-Foot; Yes; Stainless; Mid; Yes; Yes; Yes; Yes; Yes; 15 in; ExactApply; See & Spray;
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