2023 Original Tractor Cab 40371 cab for JD 2032R-2038R tractors

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  • 2023 Original Tractor Cab 40371 cab for JD 2032R-2038R tractors

$1,718  USD

(approximately $2,479  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Manufacturer:Original Tractor Cab
Stock Number:
Model:40371 cab for JD 2032R-2038R tractors
Serial number:40371

City Tractor Co.

645 Penn Ct.
North Liberty, IA, United States

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Detailed Description

For Sale: OTC Model 40371 cab for new-style 2017-and-newer JD 2032R and 2038R compact tractors...nice cab enclosure package, with hard roof, glass windshield, electric wiper, Lexan side windows, hinged doors with metal latches...easy-to-install, using existing holes in the tractor...easy-to-remove for summer storage...the best weather protection solution and value...this is a NEW cab, not used.
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