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Horse's Age and Rider's Experience Affect Horse Injury

When it comes to horse management, "experience is the best teacher." According to a recent study by Swedish researchers, experienced staff might help protect your horse against orthopaedic injuries.

The study tried to ascertain which horses at riding schools suffered fewer orthopaedic injuries. The researchers examined 99 horses at eight riding schools that carried life and veterinary care insurance.

They looked at 36 horses from four schools that filed claims frequently within a six-year period and 63 horses from four schools that filed fewer claims within that same period.

Seventy percent of the insurance claims filed by the schools were due to problems with locomotion (the ability to move), according to Agneta Egenvall, PhD, Dipl. ECVPH, associate professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

As might be expected, a horse's age played a large role in these injuries, and most insurance claims were filed for horses 12 years and older.

But handlers also played a role: The schools with fewer claims had more experienced and better-trained staff, said Egenvall.

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