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Industry’s Beef Safety Successes Featured In Usa Today

A cover story in the February 8 USA Today Life section interviewed industry sources on efforts to keep beef safe from E. coli O157:H7. Kansas State University professors James Marsden and Dan Thomson explained beef safety intervention strategies starting at the ranch and continuing through the processing plant. Other sources quoted in the story claimed the industry’s efforts have substantially lowered E. coli levels in beef.

Thomson's work on an E. coli vaccine produced by Epitopix was addressed in the USA Today story. He conducted field trials indicating 86% of vaccinated cattle stopped shedding the bacteria. Of the vaccinated cattle still shedding E. coli, there was a 98% reduction in the amount. A feature story on the Epitopix vaccine appears in the February Kansas Stockman.

While NCBA wasn’t quoted in the USA Today story, the organization did provide background information for the article. NCBA Executive Director of Beef Safety Research Mandy Carr Johnson connected with the reporter to highlight steps by ranchers, feeders and packers to make steaks, roasts and hamburger safer for consumers.

Source : Kansas Livestock Association

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