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Iowa Corn Leadership Applauds Vilsack Nomination

Iowa Corn Leadership Applauds Vilsack Nomination

State corn grower leadership applauded today’s announcement of former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack as President-elect Barack Obama’s pick to head the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 
“Governor Vilsack established an outstanding record here in Iowa as a capable, pragmatic leader who understood the importance of agriculture,” said Gary Edwards, president of the Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA).

“We look forward to working with him on the national level as we did on the state level.”
Edwards cited especially Vilsack’s recognized leadership on issues like renewable fuels, biotechnology, and rural economic development as important for Iowa and strengths for the USDA secretary.

“In these volatile times with so many challenges facing our nation and our industry, having a strong, knowledgeable leader like Governor Vilsack at the head of USDA is critically important to Iowa’s growers,” Edwards said. 

The Vilsack announcement came during a quarterly ICGA board of directors meeting, and state leaders took the opportunity to send him a congratulatory letter signed by 34 growers representing the state’s nine crop reporting districts.


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Solynta's True-Seed Breakthrough revolutionizing potatoes

Video: Solynta's True-Seed Breakthrough revolutionizing potatoes

Seed World U.S. editor Aimee Nielson interviewed Solynta's director of strategic alliances and business development Charles Miller at the American Seed Trade Assocation's Vegetable and Flower Conference in Monterey, California. Miller highlighted how Solynta is leading the charge in agricultural innovation by breeding hybrid potatoes from true seeds. Learn how their pioneering technology promises sustainable solutions for global food challenges. Through worldwide collaboration, Solynta aims to make a lasting impact on food supply, envisioning a future where hybrid potatoes play a vital role.

Miller discusses the challenges and opportunities of scaling a business during rapid growth and what's next for Solynta as they surge ahead with true seed hybrid potato seed.