Manitoba Agriculture reports hot weather over the past week has given the longer season crops a nice boost.Manitoba Agriculture's weekly crop report, released Tuesday, indicates this year's harvest is now 40 percent complete, with fall rye and winter wheat at 99 percent complete, spring wheat at 68 percent, barley at 76 percent, oats at 73 percent, field peas at 98 percent and canola at 30 percent complete.
Dennis Lange, a pulse and soybean specialist with Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report, says crop quality has been generally good.
Quote-Dennis Lange-Manitoba Agriculture:
When we're looking at cereals for example, we start off with the fall rye and winter wheat.Those yields range anywhere from 40 to 90 bushels in the northern Interlake and eastern regions and anywhere from 80 to 110 bushels for fall rye in the south, south Interlake and central regions.Spring wheat harvest continues.