Anthrax vaccine for cattle is widely available, inexpensive and very effective.
“South Dakota producers are encouraged to use anthrax vaccine in their herds going to summer pastures. Cattle going onto pastures that may become heavily grazed, have experienced flooding, or in areas where anthrax has been documented in the past, should especially be candidates for vaccine.”
— Russ Daly, Professor, SDSU Extension Veterinarian and State Public Health Veterinarian
“Since the most-effective way to manage the disease is through annual preventive vaccination, the South Dakota Animal Industry Board encourages all cattle producers to consider vaccinating their herd,” said Todd Tedrow, Director of Animal Health for the South Dakota Animal Industry Board.
During the summer, producers should take time to check all cattle every day and promptly investigate any unexpected deaths on pasture, whether in cows, bulls or calves. With anthrax, and many other diseases, treatments and preventive measures are available, and prompt action can help prevent excessive losses. Suspected cases should be reported immediately to local veterinarians or to the State Veterinarian Beth Thompson at 605-773-3321 or Suspect carcasses should not be moved or disturbed until a diagnosis has been made.
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