The pork domain experienced considerable Mexican demand, marking a 12.5% year-on-year surge to 91,297 mt, translating into a record value of $211.7 million. Other Western Hemisphere markets, like the Dominican Republic and Central America, too exhibited heightened demand, with US pork predominantly ruling the DR with a 94% market share, despite increased competition.
On the beef frontier, exports to Mexico surged by 16% from the prior year, hitting 18,674 mt in volume. This substantial growth translated into an impressive 35% increase in value, tallying $110.9 million. Central American countries, such as Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic also displayed a growing appetite for US beef.
In Asia, while pork made encouraging inroads in Japan and Taiwan, beef grappled with challenges. The declining strength of the yen against the dollar and potential shifts in Japanese monetary policies further cloud the beef export landscape.
Variety meat, both pork and beef, emerged as a notable player, with diverse markets like Korea, Africa, and Peru registering significant demand.
August’s lamb exports waned by 14% year-on-year, marking the year's lowest at 107 mt, even with a modest Caribbean uptick.
Overall, while pork exhibits consistent growth, beef's trajectory is one of cautious optimism, with diverse markets offering both challenges and opportunities.
Source : wisconsinagconnection