Two Women Named To 4-H Hall Of Fame

Jan 08, 2020
A pair of outstanding Albertans are recognized for their longtime service to 4-H and their communities.
Sally Barkwell and Leora Carothers are the 2019 inductees into Alberta’s 4-H Hall of Fame.
Ag Minister Devin Dreeshen says the two have contributed countless hours to 4-H and embody its selfless spirit of volunteerism and community building.
The 4-H Hall of Fame honours exceptional 4-H leaders for exemplary service, mentorship and volunteerism in their communities.
Candidates are nominated by their 4-H peers and are evaluated based on their demonstrated leadership qualities, community references and contributions to 4-H, agriculture and their local communities.
Sally Barkwell, from Peace River, is a passionate and avid supporter of the 4-H program and values the skills it teaches members, especially communication and leadership.
A 20-year volunteer, Sally has worked tirelessly with 4-H Alberta to ensure that the needs of the peace region are met.
Stettler's Leora Carothers has been a 4-H leader and volunteer for more than 30 years. She combines her wealth of knowledge and leadership to ensure that members get the best possible experience from the 4-H program.
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