After 17 consecutive months in the red, pork production is returning to profitability, says Brian Earnest, lead economist, animal protein for CoBank Knowledge Exchange Division.
"Pork’s big story in recent years has been lack of market strength for pork products (outside of bacon) at retail outlets. This, combined with retail prices of processed products lurching higher in recent years, has discouraged disappearance and pressured producer returns. Much like the story for chicken, it seems hog producers are starting to breathe again as feed prices retreat," Earnest writes in The Quarterly report.
Not only are margins improving for wean and farrow-to-finish operations, but Iowa State estimates wean-to-finish operations were about $5.50 per head in the black for February after a $39 loss a year earlier, he writes. In addition, feed costs are improving. This combined with improved domestic and foreign demand provides more hope for pork producers.
U.S. pork exports grew by 7.5% or 500 million pounds in 2023, and the USDA forecast suggests another 4% growth for 2024, he adds. Analysts attribute the surge in export opportunity to the peso trending closely with the U.S. dollar, and strong economic conditions.