OTTAWA - On the day of the Canadian Horticultural Council's 100th annual general meeting, the organization is pleased to announce it has changed its name to the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC).
The new name and logo were unveiled at the AGM with a video presentation that can be viewed here.
"As we celebrate our centennial and look forward to the next 100 years, we thought this was the perfect occasion to update our name and logo to better identify who we represent and speak for," said Jan VanderHout, President of FVGC and a third-generation cucumber grower near Hamilton, ON.
FVGC is an Ottawa-based voluntary, not-for-profit, national association that represents fruit and vegetable growers across Canada involved in the production of over 120 different types of crops on over 14,237 farms, with farm cash receipts of over $5 billion annually.