Fur Farms – All fur farm operators are licensed and regulated according to The Animal Production Regulations.
Wild Boar Farms - All wild boar farm operators need to be licensed and regulated according to The Animal Production Regulations by January 1, 2025, at which time a mortarium will be in place for any new wild boar operations. For more information on the Wild Boar Farm Program, visit (hyperlink to wild boar page).
Domestic Meat Inspection – All Domestic meat inspected operators are licensed and regulated according to The Animal Production Regulations.
Milk Products Compositional Standards – The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture licenses milk processors under The Animal Production Regulations.
Livestock Inspection and Transportation – Livestock Services of Saskatchewan (LSS) is a not-for-profit organization that provides livestock inspection services for cattle and horses in Saskatchewan. The authority to carry out the duties related to livestock inspection and transportation was transferred to LSS on January 1, 2014 and continues with The Animal Production Act and Regulations. For more information, please visit Livestock Services of Saskatchewan.
Animal Identifiers – Animal Identifiers are referring to brands for cattle and horses, as well as sheep notches that go in a sheep’s ear. The authority to carry out the duties related to animal identifiers or brands was transferred to LSS on January 1, 2014, and continues with The Animal Production Act and Regulations. For more information, please visit Livestock Services of Saskatchewan.
Premises Identification – Premises Identification (PID) links livestock and poultry to geographic locations. It is critical to accurately prepare for, respond to and recover from animal health issues and emergencies. It is mandatory to have a PID in Saskatchewan. For more information or to register, please visit Saskatchewan Premises Identification.
Stray Animals –Municipalities have the authority to address stray animals under The Animal Production Act. This legislation applies to livestock such as cattle, horses and other farmed animals as specified in The Animal Production Regulations, owned by a person for the purposes of animal production, competition or personal use. A stray is defined as an animal unlawfully running at large or one that’s found outside its owner’s fence or enclosure and on public or private property without permission.
Livestock Dealers – Livestock dealers and livestock agents are required to be licensed to buy and sell livestock in Saskatchewan. A livestock dealer licence is required by any person who purchases or sells, or offers to purchase or sell, livestock on the person’s own account or on the account of another person. There are exemptions to requiring a licence which include a person who operates a farm or ranch and in connection with the farm or ranch; purchases livestock and retains ownership of the livestock for at least 30 days; or sells livestock after having maintained the livestock since birth or for at least 30 days. The authority to licence livestock dealers was transferred to LSS on January 1, 2014 and continues with The Animal Production Act and Regulations, for more information please visit Livestock Services of Saskatchewan.
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