How do you test the field for SCN?
Soil samples for SCN can be taken anytime during the growing season, however, fall sampling after soybean harvest is the most convenient time. Consider pulling additional samples at the same time you are doing so for nutrient testing to make it easy for yourself.
SCN Sampling Video
Samples for nematode testing can be obtained by collecting soil cores at a depth of 6-8 inches in a zig-zag pattern. We recommend collecting at least 20 cores for areas of 20 acres or smaller. Samples can also target areas of high risk of introduction, like field entryways, areas prone to flooding, along fence lines, low-yielding areas, near buildings where equipment is stored, and high pH areas. In a bucket, break, mix, and homogenize the soil cores and place at least two pints of soil in a sealable bag. Keep the samples away from heat and direct sunlight and put them in a refrigerator (not the freezer) until it is submitted to the lab. Before submission, ensure the samples are labeled with your name, phone number, email, address, field address or GPS coordinates, current crop, previous crop, and acreage. More details about sampling procedures can be found on The SCN Coalition website.
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