9th July 2012

Students invited to take part in CropWorld Poster Competition
Post-graduate students engaged in research on crop science, agriculture and related subjects are invited
to take part in the CropWorld 2012 Poster Competition to showcase their work.
Entrants should submit a 300 word abstract by 4th September 2012, and finalists will be notified by 5th
October. They will need to produce an A1 poster to be displayed at CropWorld by 2nd November.
The competition is being sponsored by the British Crop Production Council who will be awarding a top
prize of £500, a second prize of £250 and a third prize of £100.
CropWorld Global 2012 is the leading international conference on crop science and is being held at the
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, from the 6th – 7th November.
Representatives of leading organisations in the science, agriculture and finance sectors will be
appearing as speakers including senior executives from Monsanto, Unilever, Yara, the NFU, CABI, and
the Brazilian agricultural research corporation Embrapa.
The first day of the conference will host plenary sessions discussing and debating the critical issues
surrounding the delivery of sustainable agricultural intensification in the world’s key crop production
areas and whether it can be achieved in practice. It will also look at global commodity prices, harvest
round up and planning forecast for 2013. On the second day CropWorld Global will delve into core
political, commercial and technical topics ranging from the impact of regulatory changes to assessing
modern plant breeding and soil management techniques.
Entrants to the Poster Competition should admit their abstract to enquiries@cropworld.com, and
ensure they include the title, lead author, other team members and the department and organisation
The reason for the research should be clearly outlined, along with methodology used, any results, the
significance of findings and future work required.
All finalists will be allocated free two-day passes to attend CropWorld Global 2012, and will present
their poster to the panel of judges and the CropWorld audience.
CropWorld Director Clare King said there were a high number of quality entrants in the previous year’s
competition, and she was hoping for a similar response this year.
“The Poster Competition is an excellent opportunity for post-graduate students to showcase their
research to leading figures in the industry. Finalists will also have the opportunity to network and listen
to the wealth of talks and presentations that we have on offer at the event,” she said.
For competition enquiries, please contact Clare King by email to clare.king@ubm.com or telephone
+4420 7560 4364.