By Dwight Lingenfelter
With recent rainfall and warming weather patterns, spring oat and weed growth will soon speed up. Below is a listing of herbicide options to consider for weed control. You will notice that all the herbicides listed primarily control broadleaf weeds; no grass herbicides are labeled for use in oats. So hopefully, you are not having problems with downy brome, annual ryegrass, or bluegrass in your oat crop.
Herbicides labeled for use in spring oat include:
- 2,4-D (amine and ester)
- Aim
- Callisto
- Clarity/dicamba
- Harmony SG and Harmony Extra (numerous generic alternatives available)
- Maestro
- Peak
- Sentrallas ("Harmony + Starane")
- Starane Ultra and Starane Flex
- Stinger