The research team's approach is as follows: if concepts such as "water footprint" have managed to permeate society, generating awareness of the origin of food and its costs, and promoting changes in consumption habits, introducing the "soil footprint" could contribute to the transition towards more sustainable production models that are also responsible towards this resource.
It is a task in which all the agents involved must do their part: the scientific community, investigating the causes of erosion and proposing solutions; political powers, with regulations that protect the soil; and the agricultural sector, adopting responsible techniques that optimize the use of this resource. The last party that can make a difference is consumers, through their power to influence a market system. The demand for foods that do not erode soil can encourage the productive sector to adopt sustainable production models, as has already happened with food bearing ecological seals, and cruelty-free products.
Olive groves, the crop with the greatest 'soil footprint'
In addition to defining the concept and laying the foundations to measure it, the team calculated the "soil footprint" of Spain's ten main crops, also analyzing the areas of the Peninsula where they are most problematic. The results show that the crop with the biggest soil footprint (that is, the least food production in proportion to the erosion it generates) is olive trees, followed by cherry trees, and wheat. At the opposite end are onions, potatoes and oranges, these being the crops with the smallest "soil footprint" of all those analyzed.
The fact that the crop most harmful to Spanish soil is also one of its great economic engines, and a hallmark for the country, could be problematic, but the researchers clarify that erosion does not depend exclusively on the peculiarities of the crop, but on climatic conditions, topography and agricultural management.
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