Smithfield Foods donated 12 lifesaving grain bin rescue systems to local fire departments servicing nearby feed mills and grain elevators.
“Employee safety is a top priority at any farm or feed mill,” said Steve Evans, vice president of community development for Smithfield Foods. “Many local fire and rescue departments operate on limited budgets and resources, so we are proud to do our part to ensure first responders have essential tools to quickly and effectively respond to life-threatening situations like grain bin entrapment.”
The following fire departments received a grain rescue system:
- Yuma Fire Department – Yuma, Colorado
- Liberty Fire Department – LaPaz, Indiana
- Bethany Fire Department – Bethany, Missouri
- Mercer Fire Department – Princeton, Missouri
- Compton Junction Fire Department – Nevada, Missouri
- Trenton Fire Department – Trenton, Missouri
- Bladenboro Fire Department – Bladenboro, North Carolina
- Washington County Emergency Management – Creswell, North Carolina
- Laurinburg Fire Department – Laurinburg, North Carolina
- Warsaw Fire Department – Warsaw, North Carolina
- Dillon Fire & Emergency Management Services – Dillon, South Carolina
- Surry County Emergency Management – Waverly, Virginia