Lead author and CSIRO scientist Dr. Lucy Egan said the shortage has been building for some time and has the potential to impact agricultural production worldwide.
"What we're seeing is a whole generation of highly-skilled plant breeding specialists who are now reaching retirement age, with a gap left as university graduates opt to focus on other areas of plant science including molecular biology," Dr. Egan said.
"The implications of this shortage could be dire, including affecting global food security and the economies of different countries around the world, including Australia."
Lincoln University's Dr. Rainer Hofmann said the situation is much the same across the Tasman.
"Agricultural production plays such a key role for our country, and so it's really important we start looking at strategies to slow this skills shortage," Dr. Hofmann said.
"Our research looked at the current state of plant breeding across tertiary, government and industry sectors and found that decreasing skills in plant breeding will have flow-on effects for a wide range of agrifood and fiber sectors."
The report has highlighted a number of responses to the skills shortage, including the need for a coordinated approach between the public and private sectors.
McGill University's Dr. Valerio Hoyos-Villegas said one of the keys to addressing the shortage will be the establishment of dedicated training facilities in different countries.
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