The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Center says a new tool added to SHIC's monthly domestic swine disease monitoring report will help pork producers and veterinarians identify where and what strains of PRRS are being reported across the U.S.Starting with its monthly swine disease monitoring report for August, the Swine Health Information Center has introduced a new Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus ORF5 sequence page.Swine Health Information Center Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says producers can use the information to assess the risk of PRRS to their systems.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
This is a really great addition to the SDRS reporting and their supporting charts that are added.One of those is looking at the total number of sequences submitted.It also tracks the viruses looking at the similarity between different viruses that are submitted and also looking at what are the most frequent variants detected by state.
This is really important information because it offers up a very distinct and consolidated method to be able to track new isolates, the frequency of this detection as well as the location by state.This something that producers can look at, veterinarians can look at and utilize this information when they assess their risk to their farms or systems and it may also aid in decision making as far as looking at risk of downstream flows.