The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Centre reports statistics on the monitoring and detection of Influenza A virus have been added to the monthly domestic swine disease monitoring report.As part of its February eNewsletter the Swine Health Information Center has released its monthly domestic and global swine disease surveillance reports.
This month’s Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report, compiled through the Swine Disease Reporting System on behalf of the Swine Health Information Center, brings a new chart for weekly monitoring of Influenza A virus PCR detection.SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says the newly implemented monitoring capability provides information about Influenza A detection enabling comparison to the historical trends.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Centre:
Influenza A is one of the top viral and health challenges that pig producers face.This was actually a request from stakeholders to be added to the reporting.
This is going to be looking at case submissions for Influenza A but also looking at different types over time of what is being submitted.