Panel discussions on pit foaming and producer safety, controlling emerging swine health challenges, alternative energy opportunities, what you can do to improve water quality and how you can decrease the impact of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome will be presented both days as well.
The keynote speaker is Dr. Patrick Moore of Ecosense. “The Sensible Environmentalist” will Discuss “Agriculture, Human Health and the Environment” on Jan. 27 at 2:15 p.m. Moore has been a leader in the environmental movement for 40-plus years and his policy is based on science and logic.
Hog farmers also will be able to obtain or renew their PQA Plus® and TQA® certifications, and a certification session for confinement site manure applicators is being offered.
Hy-Vee Hall is sold out with 285 swine-specific companies occupying more than 530 booth spaces. Attendees will discover that many international companies are among the vendors exhibiting again this year. Everything hog farmers need to be successful in pork production and more can be found at the tradeshow.
IPPA will welcome attendees to the Pork Information Plaza on the north tradeshow floor where guests can visit with Iowa’s pig farming leaders and representatives from the National Pork Board, National Pork Producers Council and other affiliated organizations.
Many other activities and events will be held in association with Pork Congress during the week. The annual IPPA Taste of Elegance contest and reception will start the week on Jan. 25. The IPPA Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, followed by the Kickoff Reception and Auction. The Pork Congress Banquet is on Wednesday evening.
The 8th annual Youth Swine Judging contest will be held on Jan. 28 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. 4-H and FFA members from around the state can learn more about the industry and compete for valuable scholarships.
“This is our 44th annual convention and tradeshow and we’re very proud of the event and the number of exhibitors and pig farmers the event attracts each year,” Struthers said. “We try to provide value for all attendees and ensure that everyone has something to take away that will help them in the future.”
Pig farmers can pre-register to attend Pork Congress through Jan. 8, 2016. IPPA members can attend the tradeshow and conference at no cost by registering by the deadline. Register at or by using the form in the November issue of the Iowa Pork Producer magazine.
Non-IPPA members can save $5 off of the normal $10 admission cost by registering online by the deadline. Registrations will be accepted after the deadline through each day of the show, but the cost will be $10.
For more information, contact IPPA at (800) 372-7675 or visit
Source: IPPA