"That includes talking about a number of research projects, our communications plan and frankly some of the work we do on the education front. So it's really broad based, but the SCA is constantly working on larger issues as well, like our business risk management programs and programs that are offered through the federal and provincial governments."
One file the SCA has been quite active on provincially is advocating on behalf of producers in support of the Saskatchewan Marshalls Program.
"We want to hear from producers about that and also give them a little bit of information on what that program looks like and what the government and frankly our organization hopes it can achieve."
The SCA is also looking for input on potentially increasing the producer check-off following a motion from the floor during the AGM in January, as well they want to hear from producers on whether they should consider a name change.
McLellan says the concept of a name change is a topic that has been brought up over the years adding they want to hear if this is something the SCA should be spendding its time on - following in the footsteps of the Canadian Cattle Association.
"We just want to make sure that we're hearing directly from the grassroot producers if this is something that they think is an issue or something that they think SCA should be working on or frankly, if this issue should just go away."
Here is the SCA's Current District Meeting Schedule:
District 7 - Monday, September 23 at the Legion in Kindersley from 1:30 to 5 pm.
District 4 - Tuesday, September 24 at the Piapot Legion Hall from 4:30 to 9 pm
District 3B - Wednesday, September 25 at Innovation Plex in Swift Current from 1:30 to 5 pm
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