Saskatchewan Agriculture reports the first of the winter cereals, pulse crops and grain harvested for feed have started coming off the fields in the southwest, southeast and east-central regions.Saskatchewan Agriculture released its weekly crop report Thursday for the period from July 30th to August 5th. Megan Rosso, a crops extension specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, reports crops continued to rapidly advance with the increased heat and lack of moisture and producers have started taking off winter cereal and pulse crops.
Quote-Megan Rosso-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
Conditions have led to a further decline in yield potential for many crops.Although any moisture received would be too late for advanced crops, producers indicate moisture would still be beneficial for later seeded crops to help with grain fill along with supporting pasture conditions.The heat and dry conditions have brought harvest on quickly in some regions of the province.
Provincially, harvest is now two per cent complete.This does align with the five-year and 10-year averages of two per cent.Harvest progress is led by the southwest region with four per cent complete, followed by one per cent complete for the southeast and east-central regions.In areas that have started harvest, producers have been working on taking off their winter cereals and pulse crops.