Producers in many regions are hopeful for drier conditions in the upcoming weeks to help with harvest progression.Harvest is complete for winter wheat, triticale and field peas with harvest nearly complete for fall rye and lentils.Durum leads in harvest progress for spring seeded cereal crops at 95 percent complete followed by barley at 91 percent and spring wheat at 85 percent.
Oats currently sit at 75 percent complete and canary seed is 68 percent.Harvest is nearing completion for chic peas across the province at 93 percent and, as we look to oilseed crops, mustard is 93 percent harvested followed by canola at 56 percent.Flax and soybeans are the furthest behind in harvest completion at 42 percent and 32 percent respectively.
As we look to crop damage over the past week, it was mainly due to wind, wildlife and water foul.Additionally, producers are expressing concerns of the downgrading of crop quality due to the recent moisture received across the province.
Rosso says over the upcoming week producers will be continuing the harvest, they're busy baling and hauling bales, fencing, cleaning corrals, harrowing combined fields and spraying for fall weed control.She says some winter cereal seeding operations have also commenced across the province.
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