In the world of livestock farming, the management of swine manure is a critical aspect that demands constant attention. As manure pumping and application continue, taking safety precautions and using effective treatment strategies is essential to address the rising concern of swine manure foaming on farms.
Swine manure foaming occurs when a combination of factors including diet, microbial activity, and environmental conditions, produces stable foam in manure storage facilities. Daniel Andersen, associate professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State University, said this foam can pose significant challenges, ranging from increased emissions to potential safety hazards for animals and farm workers.
“Farmers must be vigilant and proactive in managing swine manure to ensure the safety of livestock and farm workers,” he said. “This means strict adherence to safety protocols in and around the building.”
One such protocol is maintaining continuous ventilation in confined spaces to mitigate the risks associated with gas accumulation. Another is turning off the heater pilot light and other non-ventilation electrical systems, such as the feed system that may produce an ignition spark, if performing a task that may disrupt the foam.