After extended freeze events, there are several signs of frost damage that appear in cool-season forages. Producers may observe a white, burned appearance or a yellowing or browning in the forage canopy with some green at the base of the forage. There may also be forage leaf loss and/or limpness.
Will cool-season forages recover from frost damage?
- When determining if cool-season forages will recover after a frost, the extent of the browning in the forage canopy is important. If the forage growing points were insulated closer to soil level and there is still some green at the base of the plant, there is a greater chance of stand recovery. Soil temperatures decrease slower than above ground temperatures do, which provides some insulation for the forage canopy during cold snaps.
- Well-established forages will handle hard freezes better than newly established stands. Newly established stands are at a greater risk of stand failure the farther north they are in Alabama.
- Pastures and hayfields with better soil fertility conditions will help forages to recover more readily.
- Forage varieties matter. Some forage varieties of small grains and annual ryegrass are more tolerant of hard freezes than others are. Oats are known for their cold sensitivity. However, many oat varieties may sustain significant yield losses but not be winterkilled by cold weather events.
Steps to Recovery