The Western College of Veterinary Medicine and the Prairie Swine Centre are exploring the prospects of using play to improve the emotional well being of pigs and improve their resilience and performance.
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine and the Prairie Swine Center, with support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and 14 industry partners, are exploring the beneficial effects of play in growing pigs.Karolina Steinerova, a PhD student, with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, says there is evidence that pigs with an enhanced welfare status maintain a positive mental state which could improve their health and performance.
Clip-Karolina Steinerova-Western College of Veterinary Medicine:
Contrary to the past, where an improvement of the living conditions focussed on the elimination of negative experience such as pain, the research community has recently shifted its attention to the promotion of positive experiences.Play behavior is a good candidate to fulfil a roll of a positive experience for pigs as it is considered that play is positive as playing animals appear to be excited and having fun.