They identified 102 bacterial species in 127 wild mammal species in North America that have a chance of jumping over into domestic pigs.What we did was then take that list to a group of bacterial experts and asked them to assess the risk of these bacteria and their potential for causing problems in pigs.
If they spill over into pigs, there very well may be that the majority or some or the majority, we don’t know how many, may not even cause a disease problem for pigs.It may just be another commensal bacteria.
So, we asked this group of experts to look at this list and assess them on morbidity, on mortality, on welfare, on zoonotic potential, on a number of different criteria and to rank those for us and put those into some sort of order that we may be able to prioritise that 102 bacterial species so we can do a better job at targeting efforts to do that monitoring to make sure that we're looking for things that may spill over.
Dr. Sundberg says information from this work will help identify which bacteria should prioritised.
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