Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry is confident U.S. Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling will be repealed by Tuesday, avoiding the prospects of Canada and Mexico imposing over $1,000,000,000 in retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products.
On Wednesday the Chair the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry announced the inclusion of repeal of Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for beef and pork in the year-end funding bill awaiting a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives and then in the U.S. Senate.
Senator Pat Roberts expects the bill to be approved by the House today, by the Senate today or early tomorrow and to be signed into law by the President on Tuesday.
Pat Roberts-U.S. Senate:
I might point out, since my first day as chairman of the agriculture committee in the Senate, I have worked to try to prevent trade retaliation due to COOL and I am glad these efforts will pay off.
The timing is exceedingly close because the deadline was December 18 as to when the WTO would inform both Canada and Mexico they could go ahead with these tariffs.
Of course all the folks involved with this in the Canadian government and the Mexican government have said very clearly that, if the Senate didn't pass the bill, there would be retaliation.
That's not going to happen and I give a tremendous amount of, doing the right thing and working hard in our behalf and a very good relationship here lately with your trade rep.
She is now over in Nairobi on a trade trip.
As soon as she gets back, I've been in touch with her and the Mexican ambassador every day letting them know what's happening and I think there's enough understanding that there will be no retaliation and we will get this done.
Roberts applauds Canada's trade minister and compliments those in the Canadian government who worked hard with U.S. lawmakers to help resolve this issue.