Overall, we're seeing some of the crop that has been planted already, we’re seeing some good emergence.Some of the early planted spring wheats that were planted a few weeks ago is in that third to fourth leaf stage already.Over the last week or so growers have been able to get some planting done but have been stopped by little showers and had slowed things a little bit.
Overall, I think moisture conditions are pretty good for the most part across the province and we're seeing good seeding conditions, probably better than we've seen in previous years.I think now a lot of farmers would be waiting for a bit warmer weather just to get things going and moving along a little nicer but, overall, things are looking OK.
Lange says we're seeing a lot of planting happening now and we'll see pretty much every crop going into the ground over the next week.He says rain in the forecast Friday might slow things up a bit but, if the weather holds and things go well, he anticipates most of the crops to be in once we get into early June.For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Source : Farmscape.ca