Protein Industries Canada is opening an expanded call for projects under the Pan-Canadian Arficial Intelligence Strategy. This call will consider projects that span the enre agriculture and food value-chain, from seed genecs to on-farm producon through to ingredient manufacturing, food processing and logiscs. As AI connues to make inroads into agriculture and food it will be an important tool to improve the industry in the face of evolving challenges.
“It is well understood that the global demand for food is only going to increase. As our global populaon grows, so does the need for more calories. Unfortunately, factors such as drought and pests are impacng our annual producon, which impacts our ability to get affordable and healthy food to those who need it,” CEO of Protein Industries Canada Bill Greuel said. “We know that AI is revoluonizing the agriculture industry, and is making farming more efficient, sustainable and producve. That’s why with this call we are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for projects inclusive of the enre value-chain.”
Under the call, projects from consorums of companies that use AI to contribute to the following outcomes will be considered:
• The development of tools that accelerate commercializaon of seed genecs;
• Improvement of on-farm informaon gathering to support advanced, real-me producon decisions and improve sustainability (i.e. visual and other sensory technologies);
• Technologies that maximize producon and improve yields;
• Supply chain opmizaon;
• Ingredient development and food formulaon; and
• Quality Assurance and food safety protocols.