Between warmer, dryer weather and increased outdoor activity, the province sees a spike in human-caused wildfires during the spring months.
‘The majority of wildfires are started by humans. In fact last year, over 60% of wildfires in Alberta were human-caused. We all need to do our part in reducing the number of these entirely preventable fires.’
Everyone plays an active role in preventing wildfires. Whether it’s an abandoned campfire, OHV exhaust, or agricultural burning, everyone can help reduce the risk. Before you leave a fire, make sure it’s completely extinguished: soak it, stir it and soak it again.
Wildfire season runs from March 1 to October 31 in Alberta, which means fire permits are required for activities such as residential, industrial or agricultural debris burning.
Albertans living in the Forest Protection Area can get a fire permit through their local forest area office. Those living outside of the Forest Protection Area should check with their local municipality to determine the requirements for a fire permit.
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