The Industry Programs Manager with Alberta Pork says hunters and wildlife, such as bears, add to the challenges of locating feral wild boar.Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, Alberta Pork and the Alberta Invasive Species Council are working together to locate and eliminate wild boar from the Alberta landscape.
Charlotte Shipp, the Industry Programs Manager with Alberta Pork, says to get a handle on wild boar numbers and distribution in Alberta there are several research programs underway, including projects with the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta, the King's University and Elk Island National Park.
Quote-Charlotte Shipp-Alberta Pork:
At this stage I don't have a firm handle on exactly what the Alberta population looks like or its density.I can tell you that we are receiving sighting reports and based on those sightings we do believe that wild boar are essentially present in northern Alberta through central Alberta down as far south as red Deer area.