Pork Producers Encouraged to Play Active Role in Federal Election

Aug 25, 2015

By Bruce Cochrane

The chair of the Canadian Pork Council is encouraging individual pork producers to discuss issues of key importance to their industry with candidates running in the 2015 federal election.

Canadians are scheduled to head to the polls October 19 to elect a new federal government.

Canadian Pork Council chair Rick Bergmann says it's important to ensure those running are aware of the pork industry's priority areas for building for the future.

Rick Bergmann-Canadian Pork Council:
Individual producers should be encouraged to take time out of their really busy schedule and meet with these people who want to be elected officials representing them and discuss the pertinent important things that are in our industry to be discussed.

The Canadian Pork Council has come up with a document for producers in that regard to help them with that and it's called "Priority Areas for Strengthening the Canadian Pork Industry."
We've got an industry here that has economic activity of over $13,000,000,000, we employ over 70,000 people in numerous different jobs within the sector, the pork is valued at over $4,000,000,000 in 2014 that was exported outside of the country so there's a lot at stake here.

I would really encourage all those producers that are able to to contact their MP or others who are pursuing to get elected and go through some of the critical areas that we have in our documents here to ensure again that we continue to build a solid future.

Bergmann says if pork producers don't tell their story and talk about what's needed to build more sustainability, not only for this generation but the next generation, nobody will.

Source: Farmscape

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