PED Virus Takes Emotional Toll On Producers

Feb 27, 2015
The Province of Ontario now has 76 confirmed cases of the porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus.
The latest case was confirmed February 20th on a farrow-to-finish farm in Oxford County.
Dr. Sue Burlatshenko was one of the first veterinarians to deal with the disease when it emerged in Ontario in early 2014.
She says the disease can have an emotional impact on hog producers.
"It's hard on them, we care for our animals," said Burlatshenko. "They took it very personally. We would talk a lot on the phone and it's actually almost like a mutual support system. Talking is good, telling them 'you're going to get over it' and you get to the 4 to 5 week period and the light at the end of the tunnel's there and it becomes better again. Just being there is important, all of us - not just vets, but other producers, the industry."
There have been five on-farm confirmed cases of the PED virus here in Manitoba.