Guelph, Ontario – The Organic Council of Ontario has launched its Ontario Organic campaign, a consumer-facing initiative aimed at connecting shoppers with local organic brands, businesses, and products. The campaign invites individuals and businesses to join together to cultivate a more sustainable future by prioritizing support for local organic goods and producers, and fostering a sense of community in doing so.
Buying local organic foods has many benefits. “By buying local organic, you can help support local organic farmers, who in turn support our health, our communities and the environment,” shares Laura Karahka of Canadian Organic Growers, Canada’s oldest organic association. “Organic producers positively contribute to Canada’s future by conserving energy and water, supporting Canada’s climate goals for a carbon-neutral economy, and ensuring a sustainable - and reliable - food supply for future generations.”
By promoting local organic goods and businesses, the Ontario Organic campaign seeks to re-localize demand for organics. It also champions the high standards upheld by the Canada Organic Regime, which ensures consumers receive authentic and certified organic products they can trust. “We have really high standards here in Canada for enforcing the organic standards, so you know what you’re getting is organic,” shares Ben Cullen, owner of Cullen’s Food and OCO’s chair.
“There is always somebody else whether it’s in another country or another continent who can produce things cheaper” says Bill Redelmeier, proprietor of Southbrook Organic Vineyards. “What we need to focus on in Canada is to produce the best. That way people will be willing to buy and consume it."
With a focus on consumer awareness, the Ontario Organic campaign seeks to empower shoppers by highlighting the benefits of purchasing local organic goods, promoting the businesses that offer them, and facilitating access to those products through its interactive map-based Organic Directory tool.
“By choosing a local organic grower you’re encouraging the local economy,” says Andre Houle of Ferme Houle Farm, “all you have to do is enjoy a good meal and you’re actually helping the environment.”
“I think it’s important for consumers to get back in touch to where their food comes from,” shares Marte Pronk, dairy farmer and Yorkshire Valley Farms egg supplier. “We need to encourage that… and it starts by buying local.”