OGVG Collaborates with Municipality of Leamington to Resolve Greenhouse Lighting Challenges

Jun 21, 2022

Leamington, ON – The Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG) would like to recognize the recently approved by-law for greenhouse supplemental lighting. OGVG and the Municipality of Leamington had been engaged in discussions for the past several months to ensure an effective revised by-law that addresses community concerns while also providing greenhouse farms with the ability to utilize new technologies to stay competitive in a global marketplace.

“We are proud to work closely with our community, OMAFRA and the municipality’s administration to get to the most-right outcome for everyone. A big thanks to Chief Administrative Officer Peter Neufeld, Mayor Hilda MacDonald, and town council for their continued communication and taking the time to get this right” said George Gilvesy, Chair of OGVG’s Board. “This kind of collaboration sets us on a path for greater prosperity and well-being across the community and the region as a whole”.

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