The Swine Health Information Center is advising livestock producers to be aware of the presence of New World screwworm in Mexico Following the report from Guatemala in October, the first case of New World screwworm has now been reported in Chiapas, Mexico. The Swine Health Information Center's monthly global swine disease monitoring report, released as part of its December eNewsletter, indicates that on the heals of a report in October from Guatemala, the first case of New World screwworm has now been identified in Mexico.
SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton explains this is a parasitic larval disease of warm-blooded animals where the female fly will lay eggs near an open wound and the larvae can infest the wound and cause significant infections.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
This larvae and the fly were identified at the Mexican border in cattle that were coming through in Guatemala and so this is a very significant concern of especially grazing animals but really of any warm-blooded animal. It does cause destruction when a wound gets infected. Animals can exhibit very painful draining wounds that don't heal and so it does have a negative impact on production and can include mortality of animals that are infected. This disease is not identified in the United States.