The fertilizer is created in the following way: a mineral component based on magnesium sulfate is added to the manure. This dehydrates the organic matter and prevents the reproduction of microorganisms, neutralizing it. At the same time, the water does not go anywhere. It crystallizes and is then released in the fields, for example, during drought.
"When we mix the manure and the mineral component, magnesium sulfate takes up water molecules, which crystallize inside the microorganisms, destroying their shells, heat is released up to 70 degrees. This, in fact, is the pasteurization temperature, which allows to destroy up to 80% of pathogenic microflora. In addition, during the production of organic mineral fertilizer, the acidity (pH) reaches 4. At this acidity, the development of pathogenic microflora is difficult. There are few microorganisms that feel comfortable in such an environment, pathogenic microflora dies, making the fertilizer safe," says Konstantin Lukyashin, Technical Expert at Nika PetroTech.
The first experimental batch has already been released, it is being tested on plants - oats and amaranth. In early June, Ural Federal University biologists planted control samples of plants in the Botanical Garden of the University.
"Our goal is to determine how fertilizers work and what doses and combinations work best for plants. We will see how different combinations of fertilizers affect plant growth and productivity, how soil quality changes, whether there is a change in environmental reaction, whether the soil is enriched with magnesium. During July-August we will conduct an experiment: we will measure, weigh plants. In general, we will assess whether the fertilizer influences the growth and whether the indicators improve," says Tatiana Radchenko, Director of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at UrFU.
Magnesium is a universal element that forms the basis of chlorophyll and is directly involved in photosynthesis. In addition, magnesium helps increase the efficiency of absorption of other micro- and macroelements. That is, by adding a small amount of magnesium, the yield of crops can be increased by raising the efficiency of other components.
According to the company's representatives, there are already potential customers for the new fertilizers. The company is ready to produce the first industrial batch by the end of the year. All that is needed is investment in equipment (mobile units for poultry farms).
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