Dr. Richard Hanson, DSU
To kick off this initiative, SDSU and DSU put together House Bill 1092. It was a one-time ask for $1.25 million to fund a cyber ag symposium to identify needs, research projects to create solutions, and more. The bill went through the 2022 legislative process and passed.
“We have seen things already happening in the marketplace that ultimately impact all of us as consumers and producers,” said Karla Trautman, Director of SDSU Extension. “We want to get on the front-end of minimizing that impact to all. Find solutions to prevent these cybersecurity threats from occurring.”
Now that it is funded, the CyberAg project will help in three major ways.
1. Research to find solutions.
As stated above, the project’s first step is a national cyber ag symposium.
“This symposium would bring together cyber industry experts, university experts, and producers so we can share concerns, identify vulnerabilities, build relationships, perhaps share expertise and start to build a series of interventions,” said Dr. Hanson.
Once concerns are identified, SDSU and DSU will have the framework to start collaborative research projects to create solutions.
“We will start to put the experts to work researching solutions to mitigate the risk,” said Trautman. “What we’re hoping to gain from the research is identifying licensable technologies that we can hit the marketplace with.”
2. Improvements to precision ag education.
The findings from the symposium and research will also impact what happens in the classroom at SDSU.
“There will certainly be a component of this initiative woven into the academic portion of our Precision Agriculture major at SDSU,” Trautman said. “We want our students to learn about the practices, knowledge, and research we’re finding in the field.”
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