NAWG Responds to Breakdown in Negotiations Over Whether to Include Economic Assistance for Farmers as Part of a Continuing Resolution

Dec 16, 2024

By Elizabeth Rivera

Today, Chandler Goule, CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG), provided the following statement:

“NAWG opposes any continued resolution that does not include economic assistance for farmers. We are disappointed that leaders in Congress couldn’t find common ground to provide relief to farmers experiencing a financial crisis and urge them to continue working on a package that meets the needs of rural America. Wheat growers have seen their prices drop by over 36 percent since the 2022/23 marketing year and need the certainty an economic assistance package can provide before the end of the year. Period. Congress has already failed to pass a robust farm bill, and the lack of leadership in reaching an agreement will continue to hurt farmers who feed America and the world.”

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