Some diseases can be transmitted from sheep to humans, making biosecurity measures crucial to protect the health of animals, farmworkers, visitors and the broader community. All new animals arriving on the farm should be isolated for at least 30 days before being mixed with other animals or allowed to graze with the existing flock.
The publication highlights that newly purchased sheep may carry parasite burdens different from those of the existing flock, and isolation provides an opportunity for deworming, if needed, before introducing them to the main flock. During the isolation period, producers should monitor the animals for any signs of ill health. Limiting farm access to essential visitors reduces the risk of introducing diseases to the sheep farm.
“Good hygiene practices are essential for sheep biosecurity,” Bromfield said. Regular cleaning and sanitation of equipment, barns and feeding areas helps minimize contamination and controls parasites, ensuring that sheep have access to clean feed and water.
“Producers should establish and maintain a veterinarian-client-patient relationship,” she said.
The guide offers resources on how to develop a custom biosecurity plan.
David Brown visits a sheep farm near Clever, Mo. Photo courtesy of David Brown.
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