As just one example, many of the commercial tomato varieties used in this area and indeed throughout the east coast today, were started from the tomato breeding program at the center. That program continues to produce exceptional varieties for both the commercial industry and home garden market.
Additionally, many of the ornamental species you grow in your landscape may have been bred at the station. Also, the success of the famed Henderson County apple industry could not have been possible without the many innovations and recommendations that evolved from research there.
In 1987, a new 23,500 square foot facility was opened on the site which encompassed offices, laboratories and a conference facility and it became known by its current moniker, MHCREC. Extension faculty as well as research faculty and support staff conduct various impactful programs at the center.
It has become a hub for many conferences and events over the years and continues to be a great resource for the agricultural industries in the area. Over the years, the efforts have expanded into speciality crops, organics, field crops, hops and many other commodities important to the region.
The August field day will offer tours of the apple, tomato and speciality crops research that is ongoing. Don’t miss this special event. Help the MHCREC celebrate and see the innovative work that is going on right here in Henderson County.
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