Missouri Meeting To Focus On Alfalfa

Apr 08, 2014

Growing alfalfa in the Ozarks to supplement beef and dairy diets will be the subject of a University of Missouri (MU) Extension program and farm tour later this month. The event will be held April 22 at the Glenn and Toni Obermann farm near Freistatt.

Alfalfa establishment and management tips will be offered at an April 22 University of Missouri field tour and program

Alfalfa establishment and management, variety selection, weed and insect control, hay and haylage harvest techniques and the benefits of alfalfa as a part of animal nutrition will be discussed.

“Feed supplements are a significant expenditure when raising cattle,” says Tim Schnakenberg, MU Extension agronomist. “If a producer has the land, labor and equipment available, the possibility of growing alfalfa to supplement beef diets may be worth considering.”

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