Two Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association (MFGA) Conservation Trust Projects were among the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Board of Directors recent approval of $2.86 million in new grants to 20 projects delivered by 14 Manitoba-based conservation groups.
The $2.86 million in Trust funds is being matched by $6.6 million in funds and services by the successful groups, which will result in $9.5 million of conservation activity in Manitoba.
- Soil Health: Addressing watershed priorities for producers and wildlife habitat - Phase 3 (2022) was approved in the Soil Health Category for $200,000 Conservation Trust funding over two years for MFGA to continue to lead a cover crop/soil health regenerative agriculture partnership approach with three southwest Manitoba watershed districts: Assiniboine West, Souris River and Central Assiniboine to keep a growing root in the ground for as many days of the year as possible.
- A new approach to restoring profitability, wildlife habitat and soil health - Phase 3 (2022) was also approved for the third year of the project under the Habitat Wildlife Category. MFGA works very closely with Ducks Unlimited Canada on this $239,800 Conservation Trust funded-project designed to keep marginal acres intact via forage production. In both projects, the match of funding and services by the project partnership and landowners are crucial to each project’s success.