The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development s (MDARD) Wastewater Infrastructure Fund Grant Program (WIF) aims to help the state's food and agriculture businesses ensure compliance with Michigan's environmental regulations. Funds for the grant program remain available, and MDARD is encouraging eligible food and agriculture companies to apply.
"The Whitmer administration is committed to addressing environmental concerns across the state, while at the same time ensuring economic vitality of businesses. The Wastewater Infrastructure Fund Grant Program is an example of state agencies working together to achieve these goals," said MDARD Director Tim Boring. "This fund was launched in August 2023 and we're encouraging eligible companies to submit applications that position their business for long-term success."
Successful applicants will receive funding to assist them with achieving compliance with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy s (EGLE) wastewater regulations under their Groundwater Discharge Permit Program. Eligible entities are agriculture and food processors located in Michigan, who are under an Administrative Consent order, compliance, and enforcement action, or have a Schedule of Compliance found in a Certificate of Coverage or state Groundwater Discharge Permit from EGLE and are in good standing with other State of Michigan agencies.
The WIF funds are distributed with a maximum amount of $2 million per project. Each awarded amount follows a tiered system as part of the cost-reimbursement for selected projects. Applications for the WIF program will be accepted until all funding is committed.