Low crude protein diets: Reducing crude protein and supporting the amino acid requirements through feed grade amino acids has been accepted as a way to reduce fermentable protein from reaching the large intestine. Additional work has shown that feeding low crude protein diets improves goblet cell presence and reduced sodium-coupled glucose transporters.
Mineral inclusions (Zn and Cu): Feeding pharmacological levels of zinc and copper have long been used in nursery programs in the United States to control ETEC as these two minerals are involved in reducing pathogen adhesion and pathogen death. Due to the delay in ETEC activity to later nursery phases, nutritionists have fed pharmacological levels longer. However, it should be noted that feeding mineral levels that are too high or extending these levels for too long can result in lameness.
Fiber: The use of rolled oats has been shown to reduce ETEC shedding. Focusing on insoluble fiber inhibits proliferation and adhesion of ETEC in the intestine. Careful inclusion of fiber can be beneficial before and during phases when ETEC can be an issue.
Pre- pro- and postbiotics: Prebiotics, such as manno-oligosaccharides, can be fed to stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Probiotics are live organisms that are added to the diet to increase the population of the fed organisms within the gut. Commonly fed organisms include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Postbiotics such as yeast and Lactobacillus have been shown to have a positive impact by regulating the immune system
Other additives: Other products that can also stop ETEC include clays, phytogens, antibiotics, and medium-chained fatty acids. In addition, products such as spray-dried plasma, organic acids, and egg antibodies have long been shown to reduce ETEC shedding.
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