The General Manager of Manitoba Pork is calling on the federal government to stand up for Canadian agriculture in the face of a growing trend toward protectionism in trade.An article circulated through Manitoba community newspapers and posted to Manitoba Pork's web site explores international trade and the level of priority being placed by government on securing access to foreign markets for Canadian agricultural products.
Cam Dahl, the General Manager of Manitoba Pork, says with the pending renegotiation of the Canada US Mexico Agreement, we're seeing a growing indication of protectionism.
Quote-Cam Dahl-Manitoba Pork:
In particular our trade with the United States has ramped up in importance and that's because of a couple of measures.We have proposition 12 in California and similar measures in other states where that legislation is telling farmers in Manitoba how they have to raise their pigs if that pork is sold in California.
It's really fractionating the integrated North American market, having to have barns that meet California’s requirement but might not meet Massachusetts’ requirement or vice versa.