Manitoba Planting Nearing Two-Thirds Finished

May 29, 2024

Manitoba planting is now approaching two-thirds complete but remains behind the five-year average pace of 75% done.

Tuesday’s crop report pegged planting across the province at 64% done, up 17 points from the previous week. That is ahead of 62% last year but now trails the average by 11 points following recent rain delays.

The report included a Special Weather Statement, noting that on May 24 a system brought significant precipitation into the province. Over the next 48 hours, some areas saw periods of intense rainfall. The highest accumulations were observed in the Central region, with Winkler receiving 86.7 mm over 25 hours.

Where and when possible, producers have focused on planting corn (80% complete), spring wheat (87% complete) barley (79% complete) and peas (96% complete). Canola planting continues with 41% of the acres planted. Soybean planting is at 55% completion.

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